Hello, I’m Hermes -the messenger. My identity in this lifetime is not important -but my message is!
Please read the statements under “ABOUT” before reading the blogg! Once defined, you will know the basic message of this blogg, and it’s mission to illustrate the consequence of karma in daily life on earth.
As you will se further on, the understanding of karma in detail, can deeply inspire your lifestyle and help you gain deep knowledge and high consciousness on your path forward!
The goal is to share thoughts, experiences, artistic illustrations ect. to help us better to understand the many ways of karma.
Though the basic principles as defined in “ABOUT”, is based on cosmic wisdom, the many faces of destiny we see in daily life, can be very hard to understand through over point of view.
So this blogg don’t claim to be true in all aspects, but will be free to pose ideas, thoughts and hypothesis that can be be evolved on the go. We would call this “karma research”, and we hope to present material from other sources of spiritual research, to gain new knowledge in the phenomena of life!
Some of the statements in this blogg might be controversial and could offend and challenge old concepts and dogmas, and to keep the message clear, we will stick to the basic principles in valuation of which feedback from readers we will publish on the site.
We will welcome serious and humble comments and contribution that will help the cause, but will ignore critics and discussion, that oppose the basics in the first place.
There is no point in discussion if we are not communicating on the same level. We have no intension to persuade anybody, who don’t accept the basic concept. We are all free to choose our world views and beliefs, and we do need to respect each other for that!
So our honest goal is to investigate the many consequences of the modern concept of karma, and to inspire our daily lifestyle to a higher awareness of our own role in creating a better future for our selves and all living beings around us.
With this awareness, we will all be conscious co-workers in creating a new and better world – a real human kingdom on earth!