The threat of global warming with extreme weather conditions, nature catastrophes, hunger, pollution, epidemics and water crises are a wakeup call for global awareness, that now – maybe for the first time in history – concern all mankind on earth! In spite of obvious changes in climate, the established scientific society is still in conflict about cause and effect!
How can the perspective of karma bring light to this issue? Well, two important cosmic principles might help us out:
The principle of life units and the principle of perspective.
In a living universe everything is alive – living beings within living beings – and so it’s obvious that planet earth is alive too! And if it wasn’t for man -she would be a perfect organism in ecologic balance! Man -being the braincells in her organism – is apparently going nuts, destroying his own host! And now we fear, that this stupidity might indeed end up with a total catastrophe -that the microcosm of mankind can kill the macrocosm of mother earth, and so even itself!
How is karma working in this area? What kind of teaching are we facing in near future, as this escalates further?
Well, from the basics, that there is no such thing as injustice, we are looking for logic, even in cathastrophies like Tsunamis, earthquakes, vulcanic eruptions and hurricanes.
Let’s define some new concepts to understand this on a deeper level:
- Collective Karma.
- Karma of principle
- Karma of perspective
- The meaning of suffering
1. Great disasters are often seen as a proof of coincidence. It seems as if all different kind of people will be among victims in spite of religion, ethnic roots, education, status and so on. Even if the Tsunami strikes mostly at small fishermans villages round the cost, it even strikes among modern tourists along the luxury beach resorts and from a major earthquake in a big city, no one is safe! ….But then again, from the point of karma, everybody is just getting the best education, especially directed to him or her, served by a cosmic logistic process called collective karma! Imagine the spiritual activity in months or maybe years ahead, that prepare for such a karmic release! So in this perspective it is not coincidence, who will be on the beach that moment, when the wave roll in!
Lots of personal stories can confirm some of this activity when people get a hunch or a precognition to skip that vacation, or fall ill, or come too late for the flight or getting stopped by other obstacles – if their spiritual need does not fit that special karmic lesson. But even for those who do get hit – it’s still the best and most loving lesson for the spirit to get exactly that experience of effect -originally created by it’s own ignorance in lifetimes long ago!
2. But what exactly are we learning? Do we really need that amount of destructive power to evolve on this civilized state of mankind? Well, we need to look deeper in the cosmic structure, to find logic in this! What are the analysis of disasters and accidents? It’s all about violence and death without hate or revenge! So are there anywhere in civilized modern life, where we are blind to such a behavior in our selves?
Yes, sadly there are! The animal kingdom is full of innocent victims of our hands! Modern man take it for granted to have the right to kill his younger brothers and sisters – animals – to eat and clothe, without the slightest ideas of the karmic energy he creates every day by this. And as in the disasters and accidents, there are no hatred involved. We don’t hate the animal we slaughter, as the Tsunami don’t hate us when it strikes! This is how karma is matched by principle!
All this killing and induced suffering through thousands of years is piling up for such collective outburst of disastrous karma, with the only purpose to help us understand, on our own bodies, what suffering is all about. Only through this hard way, will our compassion grow to that extend, that we will be unable to eat meat or fish ever again!
In the cosmic perspective, we have lot’s of time -lot’s of lifetimes! Man is a slow learner, so we might need to die many times, before the lesson is fully learned! And remember, this is no judgement or casting of guilt, because we have all walked the same road!
3. From our perspective it’s hard to understand why mother nature strikes so hard on us. Even if we are not taking so good care of the planet, the power of nature is far beyond our control, when it shows it’s full power in disasters and catastrophes! How can we ever have earned that amount of destruction?
Well, this is all about perspective. In comparison to a planet, we are small -like cells in mother earth. But in another view, we are a planet ourselves, inhabited by small beings -our own tissue-cells! We are fooled by the principle of perspective, to believe, that we are more important, than our own cells -our micro life. But do a braincell in our brain think that it is small and unimportant? And what kind of nature catastrophe do we in fact strike against these small inhabitants, indulging in unhealthy living and destructive illness of our bodies? Again, we do not hate our braincells when we drown them in alcoholic tsunamis, or kill them in volcanic inflammation and fever, or break our organs in cancerous or traumatic earthquakes! It’s just ignorance – we don’t know what we are doing! Until karma help us to open our eyes, mirroring back from macrocosm, what we ourselves serve to our microcosm – “so in the big – so in the small”!
4. The meaning of suffering is one of the great riddles of life. How can a all-loving, all-seeing, all-mighty GOD impose so much suffering to his own creation? The only logical answer is, that even suffering is part of GOD’s love! So by the justice of karma, we can begin to understand the real wonders of the teaching of life. How pain and suffering from our own ignorant hands are returned with cosmic precision to teach us awareness and compassion and so refine our behavior and our mind and heart away from the unconsciousness of the zone of killing for living!
For a cosmic mind, these principles above is reality, even in everyday life, ruling every act and every step ahead! The only concern is then how to help and comfort all living beings, including the animals and mother earth, and to create a new lifestyle that will give life instead of take lives! A healthy, humanitarian, ecological, vegetarian lifestyle is a natural solution – and this only thanks to the personal karmic lesson of accidents and disasters, that we created for our own evolution through the law of cause and effect, through many, many lifetimes!
The good news is, that this perspective gives us back the key in our hands! We might not hear the calling to be an environmental activist or a green politician, but we don’t need to be passive and helpless!
We are the master of our own universe within and can save the planet of our own organism to begin with, and thus save millions of lives from those microcosmic disasters and create positive karma for our own future lifetimes on earth.The cosmic logistics will adapt to this new karmic situation and slowly create a wonderful environment with harmony and beauty for us to enjoy, as our own inner world is healing and our microbeings are rejoicing in total organic harmony within!