The world crises is not only about money and terror, but even nature disasters as earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. Mother earth is alive with a potent immune system that we call weather, climate and nature catastrophes. In the cosmic scale, it all makes sense, that the organic defence system of our planet is reacting on pollution, global warming and other man made crises. It’s a historical fact that the winters of the great wars have been severe cold in the temperated latitudes, as the chill before a planetarian fever. Are the present cold winters a new chill of a coming world war III?
What ever form the crises takes, the result is suffering for millions, and without the perspective of reincarnation and karma, it makes no sense at all! But in the light of cause and effect -the law of karma – the mystery of suffering is solved! In this brilliant logic of cosmos, no one can harvest injustice, but only the effect of it’s own act -karma! So even the major crises, wars and catastrophes as every days suffering due to illness and loneliness, is self imposed!
As the universe is friendly, we need to understand and acknowledge the meaning of suffering, in all it’s shapes and variations – the main quest of future evolution on earth! As described in earlier bloggs, meat-eating karma is the major trigger of collective karma release as accidents and nature disasters!. Man is a slow learner, and the growth of humanity through suffering, takes many lifetimes, before the empathy and brotherly love expands to include even animal life. But for each strike of nature, for each tear and pain, the ability to imagine the suffering of our fellow beings, grows stronger -and one fine day our sensitivity will stretch out and embrace the victims of our eating habits, to that extent, that it becomes impossible to kill to live.
At that point in human evolution, to hurt another being, hurts as much on our own body, and the awareness and understanding of the killing and animal suffering in the meat industry, as well as the unhealthy influence on our microbeings, makes it obvious to choose the vegetarian lifestyle -not because of fashion or trends, or nutrition science research, but because of a deep ethical conviction rooted in life experience of former meat-eating karma!
This is a major graduation in the school of life, and the major power of peace work and healing the planet! It’s a long way to go, but for every new generation, we will see more and more ethical vegetarians, in all those reincarnated victims of past disasters and wars.These are the future of peace loving, animal loving emphatic beings who will refuse to bear arms and kill animals! These are role models for a haunted civilization.
So the future quest is to embrace life in all aspects – even the teachings of karma! With a higher quality of human awareness, we can learn the lesson faster, realize our own part in the creation of crises and disaster, and start new behavior to exchange old habits and conventions. Is it not miraculous, that we can start world peace and solve global warming at our dinner table, just by awareness of our eating habits? Step by step, we will change our patterns to acts of life instead of acts of death – and by this create a new and better destiny, both for our own future, as well as for both micro- and macrocosm in our organism and on or planet! That’s when we will all graduate in a master degree in real humanity!