The world is shaken and Japan in kaos. After the quake and tsunami 11th of mars the nuclear power plant of Fukushima is melting down! All the things, that was not suppose to go wrong, did! Rescue workers now risk there own life to cool the core to prevent radiation burst out!
In time of a catastrophe like this, where several small cities are wiped out, thousands of inhabitants killed and a major escape from the country is beginning, it’s evident that victims ask the questions: Why us, why me!
It seems highly unjust that Japan, once before hit by nuclear radiation, should suffer again! How can God exist? How can there be divine justice and love in this?
Well, we see that love and compassion does exist in all care and help offered to Japan from all over the world, and through all unselfish rescue work and assistance taking place in eastern Japan on a daily basis! In a strange way, humanity comes forward in times of trouble, giving hope in a time where consumption and market economy is hitting high score in cynicism and egoism! The bright site of crises is the chance for man to evolve compassion and empathy, and get closer to each other and the essentials of life!
But as time ease the pain, the question still remains: Why?
Let’s try to broaden the perspective to get a glimpse of the divine plan behind this!
First – mother earth is alive, humans being braincells in her organism! The movement of continental plates – four of them meeting outside the eastcoast of Japan – is just part of a normal organic function in planet earth physiology. The life of mother earth is much slower seen from the perspective of her microbeings – humans and animals – so our illusion of stability is only a trick of perspective! The famous words of Heraclitus Ta Panta rhei, “everything flows” is getting a new meaning! The shape of continents, mountain and rivers are constantly changing and earthquakes, tsunamies and vulcanic activities are natural signs of the growth of the physical body of mother earth!
So there is no evil in these disasters, only ignorance, to understand nature as a living being! In the future, man will learn to share the planet and inhabit only safe land! We might be better to understand and predict natural disasters, allowing us to visit the risk areas for recreation and travel in safe periods, but not to stay resident permanently!
Apart from this, the suffering of natural disasters, still has a meaning as a karmic release of meat-eating karma, as explained in other blogs! Killing without hate, is the common indicator – we don’t hate the animal we slaughter – and mother earth don’t hate those microbeings, who is caught and killed in her growth process! Slowly the experience of suffering refines our empathy to embrace animals and fish as well as other human beings! But it’s a slow learning process! How many disasters does it take to create a vegetarian? We need many lifetimes for this evolution of real humanity!
And so the question of nuclear disaster! What is the cosmic logic in this? Well, nuclear processes are natural in the sun and in the core of living planets, but they are not suppose to exist on the organic surface – the biosphere! The obvious threat of radiation damage to biological life ought to be enough to ban the use, as the problem of danger with vaste material for thousands of generation to come! The present disaster brings new energy to debate and surface the actual danger and risk in a very clear message, through daily media of the world! This is indeed out of hand!
But what is the karmic pattern here? Well, apart from the obvious egotistic issue of materialism, consuming the goods of the earth, craving energy over our assets, prepared to get rich at whatever cost in human and biological life, to the point of extinction of it all – there are an even deeper cosmic threat!
The atoms we split in fission reactions is part of microcosmic life! The universe is life within life! The tiny particles in the atom is actually inhabited worlds in microcosm. Size is just a trick of perspective again! By using nuclear power, we actually become destroyer of worlds!
For the cosmic eye, there are no size – all is equal! A cosmic conscious being is able to visit the microworld like a pandora box! It opens and reveals worlds of beauty and life! To split an atom is a gigantic global disaster for a microworld! What if macro scientists look at our world as a particle in an atom? What if they need energy and wants to split the “dead matter” that happens to be our home? Do we really know what we are doing, messing around in microcosm? What seeds are we planting, using this kind of energy in our homes?
As awareness grow in these matters, it becomes a major task for humanity to stop using nuclear energy and weapons, and to find solutions in science and lifestyle, that can support life, instead of destroying it! This will be the turning point of human evolution toward karmic liberation. Karma is only the teacher of life; so when the lesson is learned – it is resolved! Of course the law of cause and effect is still working, but more and more in favour of pleasant karmic release, due to our own well-doing from the past! The secret is simple – place the seeds you want to harvest! Support life, and you will gain life! Help your fellow beings and you will receive help when needed! Care about both macro – and microbeings, and nature will embrace you with the beauty and wonder of life, for all times!